SIGNED Copy of Metal Cats
by Alexandra Crockett
These are signed copies of the MetalCats Book!
Because they are coming directly from me, rather than going through my publisher where royalties etc get involved, more of the proceeds will go towards a shelter.
I am currently looking to find the right shelter for the portion being donated, so if you want to nominate someone local please include that in your order, along with your name if you would like that to be part of my signing.
-Alexandra Crockett
Skulls and Siamese. Corpse paint and Persians. Baphomet, pentagrams, blood, and tabbies!
Metal Cats combines two amazing subjects: the extreme personalities of the hardcore metal music scene and their adorable kitties. These incredibly cute and fluffy felines have been photographed with their loving owners in and around the dark abodes of musicians, fans, and promoters of metal including members of the bands Black Goat, Thrones, Isis, Lightning Swords of Death, Book of Black Earth, Skarp, Harassor, Akimbo, Aldebaran, Atriarch, Oak, Ghoul, Ludicra, Holy Grail, Xasthur, Cattle Decapitation, Murder Construct, Exhumed, Morbid Angel, Municipal Waste, Skeletonwitch, Gypsyhawk, Nausea, Phobia, and Napalm Death.
Metal isn't all dark and disturbing, violent and misanthropic. Metal Cats is proof that while the music may be brutal, the people in the scene are softies for their pets just like you and me...
A portion of the proceeds from this book and a series of benefit shows held along the West Coast will go towards one no-kill shelter in each of the four main cities visited.